Illustration by Erika Liana Ypil | Color Monica Ong

Lifestyle, Interrupted

Our lives will never be the same, there is no going back even as the pandemic goes away. COVID-19 has made sure that the changes that were slowly happening around the world became the new normal — and it’s not all bad.

We’ve learned to shop online for things we didn’t use before, and go digital for everything, including running a business. When we are able to travel again, we will do it with a purpose and that’s to get businesses back on their feet. When we buy local, it’s for the people who made them — artisans, craftsmen from all over the country. When we go to aesthetic clinics, it’s to feel beautiful for ourselves, not for others. We know now that if we fill our homes with plants, it will help us lift our moods and clean our air. 

And above all, we learned to take life slowly. 

Developed by Concept Machine